Journal Papers

[198] "Ultrafast Interfacial Charge Transfer Initiates Mechanical Stress and Heat Transport at the Au-TiO2 Interface", J. Heo, A. Segalina, D. Kim, D.-S. Ahn, K. Y. Oang, S. Park, H. Kim, H. Ihee*, Sci. Adv., 11, 2400919 (2024) (Online publication: 2024-07-08). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[197] "Engineering Perovskite Bandgap for Control of Hot-Electron Dynamics in Plasmonic Nanodiodes", Y. Park, J. Choi, D. Kim, J. Kim, Y. Roh, H. Lee, D. W. Cho, B. Shin*, H. Ihee*, J. Y. Park*, Sol. RRL, 2400433 (2024). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[196] "Time-resolved serial femtosecond crystallography for investigating structural dynamics of chemical systems", J. Moon, Y. Lee, H. Ihee*, Chem. Commun., 60, 9472-9482 (2024). (Online publication: 2024-08-09). [Full Text]

[195] "Photoinduced Group Transposition via Iridium-Nitrenoid Leading to Amidative Inner-Sphere Aryl Migration", H. Jung, J. Choi, D. Kim, J. H. Lee, H. Ihee*, D. Kim*, S. Chang*, Angew. Chem., 63, e202408123 (2024). (Online publication: 2024-06-13). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]  

[194] "Structural dynamics of protein-protein association involved in the light-induced transition of Avena sativa LOV2 protein", C. Kim, S. R. Yun, S. J. Lee, S. O. Kim, H. Lee, J. Choi, J. G. Kim, T. W. Kim, S. You, I. K., T. Noh, J. Baek, H. Ihee*, Nat. Commun., 15, 6991 (2024). (Online publication: 2024-08-14). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[193] "Serial X-ray liquidography: multi-dimensional assay framework for exploring biomolecular structural dynamics with microgram quantities", S. O. Kim, S. R. Yun, H. S. Lee, J. Jo, D.-S. Ahn, D. Kim, I. Kosheleva, R. Henning,  J. Kim, C. Kim, S. You, H. Kim, S. J. Lee, H. Ihee*, Nat. Commun., 15, 6287 (2024) (Online publication: 2024-07-26). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[192] "Brightening deep-blue perovskite light-emitting diodes: A path to Rec. 2020", S. J. Lee, J. H. Kim, H. J. Kim, C. W. Kim, S. I. Kim, C. J. Kim, H. S. Lee, B. J. Choi, C. Muthu, T. H. Kim, J. H. Lee, S. B. Lee, H. Ihee, J. Lee*, Sci. Adv., 10, eadn8465 (2024) (Online publication: 2024-05-17). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[191] "A comparative review of time-resolved X-ray and electron scattering to probe structural dynamics", Y. Lee, K. Y. Oang, D. Kim, H. Ihee*, Struct. Dyn., 11, 031301 (2024) (Online publication: 2024-05-01). [Full Text]

[190] "Structural dynamics of the heme pocket and intersubunit coupling in the dimeric hemoglobin from Scapharca inaequivalvis", X. Gao, M. Mizuno, H. Ishikawa, S. Muniyappan, H. Ihee, Y. Mizutani*, J. Chem. Phys., 160, 165102 (2024) (Online publication: 2024-04-26). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[189] "Dynamic three-dimensional structures of a metal–organic framework captured with femtosecond serial crystallography", J. Kang, Y. Lee, S. Lee, H. Ki, J. Kim, J. Gu, Y. Cha, J. Heo, K. W. Lee, S. O. Kim, J. Park, S. Park, S. Kim, R. Ma, I. Eom, M. Kim, J. Kim, J. Lee, H. Ihee*, Nat. Chem., 16, 693-699 (2024) (Online publication: 2024-03-25). [Full Text] [Supporting Information] 

Featured in the front cover of the May issue of Nature Chemistry [Link] 

Highlighted in Nature Chemistry News & Views: Lauren E. Hatcher and Paul R. Raithby, "Dynamic crystal structure of a molecular framework" [Link]

[188] "Capturing the generation and structural transformations of molecular ions", J. Heo, D. Kim, A. Segalina, H. Ki, D.-S. Ahn, S. Lee, J. Kim, Y. Cha, K. W. Lee, J.Yang, J.P.F Nunes, X. Wang, H. Ihee*, Nature, 625, 710-714 (2024) (Online publication: 2024-01-10). [Full Text] [Supporting Information] 

[187] "Single-Molecule X-ray Scattering Used to Visualize the Conformation Distribution of Biological Molecules via Single-Object Scattering Sampling", S. Lee, H. Ki, S. J. Lee, H. Ihee*, Int. J. Mol. Sci., 24, 17135 (2023) (Online publication: 2023-12-05). [Full Text] [Supporting Information] 

[186] "Cerium Photocatalyst in Action: Structural Dynamics in the Presence of Substrate Visualized via Time-Resolved X-ray Liquidography", Y. Lee, H. Ki, D. Im, S. Eom, J. Gu, S. Lee, J. Kim, Y. Cha, K. W. Lee, S. Zerdane, M. Levantino, H. Ihee*, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 145, 2371523726 (2023) (Online publication: 2023-10-19). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[185] "Length and Charge of the N-terminus Regulate the Lifetime of the Signaling State of Photoactive Yellow Protein", C. Yang, Y. Kim, S. O. Kim, S. J. Lee, J. Choi, H. Ihee*, J. Phys. Chem. B., 127, 90019013 (2023) (Online publication: 2023-10-11). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[184] "Projection to extract the perpendicular component (PEPC) method for extracting kinetics from time-resolved data", H. Ki, J. Gu, Y. Cha, K. W. Lee, H. Ihee*, Struct. Dyn., 10, 034103 (2023) (Online publication: 2023-06-27). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[183] "Visualizing Heterogeneous Protein Conformations with Multi-Tilt Nanoparticle-Aided Cryo-Electron Microscopy Sampling", C. Kim, Y. Kim, S. J. Lee, S. R. Yun, J. Choi, S. O. Kim, Y. Yang*, H. Ihee*, Nano Lett., 23, 3334–3343 (2023) (Online publication: 2023-04-17). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[182] "The Photoactive Photosynthetic Reaction Center of a Rhodobacter sphaeroides Mutant Lacking 3-Vinyl (Bacterio)Chlorophyllide a Hydratase Contains 3-Vinyl Bacteriochlorophyll a", J. Kim, C. Kim, S. Kim, H. Ihee, W. Shin, E.-J. Kim*,  J. K. Lee*, Microbiol. Spectr., 11, 2 (2023) (Online publication: 2023-03-27). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[181] "Extracting Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Molecules without Heavy Atoms via Time-Resolved Solvent Scattering Signals", K. Y. Oang, S. Park, J. Moon, E. Park, H. K. Lee, T. Sato, S. Nozawa, S. Adachi, J. Kim, J. Kim, J.-H. Sohn*, H. Ihee*, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 14, 3103–3110 (2023) (Online publication: 2023-03-23). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[180] "Singlet fission dynamics modulated by molecular configuration in covalently linked pyrene dimers, Anti- and Syn-1,2-di(pyrenyl)benzene", J. Choi, S. Kim, M. Ahn, J. Kim, D. W. Cho, D. Kim, S. Eom, D. Im, Y. Kim, S. H. Kim, K.-R. Wee*, H. Ihee*, Commun. Chem., 6, 16 (2023) (Online publication: 2023-01-17). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[179] "Structural dynamics of proteins explored via time-resolved x-ray liquidography", Y. Lee, H. Lee, H. Ihee*, Chem. Phys. Rev., 3, 041304 (2022) (Online publication: 2022-11-15). [Full Text]

[178] "Photoactivation of triosmium dodecacarbonyl at 400 nm probed with time-resolved X-ray liquidography", H. Ki, T. W. Kim, J. Moon, J. Kim, Y. Lee, J. Heo, K. H. Kim, Q. Kong, D. Khakhulin, G. Newby, J. Kim, J. Kim, M. Wulff, H. Ihee*, Chem. Commun., 58, 73807383 (2022) (Online publication: 2022-06-08). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[177] "Reaction dynamics studied via femtosecond X-ray liquidography at X-ray free-electron lasers", E. H. Choi, Y. Lee, J. Heo, H. Ihee*, Chem. Sci., 13, 8457–8490 (2022) (Online publication: 2022-06-06). [Full Text]

[176] "Tailoring the CO2 selective adsorption properties of MOR zeolites by post functionalization", D. Kwon, M. Numan, J. Kim, M. Yilmaz, S.-E. Park, H. Ihee*, C. Jo*, J. CO2 Util., 62, 102064 (2022) (Online publication: 2022-06-03). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[175] "Light-induced protein structural dynamics in bacteriophytochrome revealed by time-resolved x-ray solution scattering", S. J. Lee, T. W. Kim, J. G. Kim, C. Yang, S. R. Yun, C. Kim, Z. Ren, I. Kumarapperuma, J. Kuk, K. Moffat, X. Yang*, H. Ihee*, Sci. Adv., 8, eabm6278 (2022) (Online publication: 2022-05-27). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[174] "Solvent-modulated proton-coupled electron transfer in an iridium complex with an ESIPT ligand", S. Kim, J. Choi, D. W. Cho, M. Ahn, S. Eom, J. Kim, K.-R. Wee*, H. Ihee*, Chem. Sci., 13, 3809–3818 (2022) (Online publication: 2022-03-05). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[173] "Sensitivity of time-resolved diffraction data to changes in internuclear distances and atomic positions", H. Jeong, H. Ki, J. G. Kim, J. Kim, Y. Lee, H. Ihee*, Bull. Korean Chem. Soc., 43, 376–390 (2022) (Special issue in "Advances of Physical Chemistry in Korea") (Online publication: 2022-01-25). [Full Text] [Program]

[172] "Determining the charge distribution and the direction of bond cleavage with femtosecond anisotropic x-ray liquidography", J. Heo, J. G. Kim, E. H. Choi, H. Ki, D.-S. Ahn, J. Kim, S. Lee, H. Ihee*, Nat. Commun., 13, 522 (2022) (Online publication: 2022-01-26). [Full Text] [Supporting Information] [Full-text access (SharedIt)]

Highlighted in the Editors’ Highlights webpage of recent research on Inorganic and physical chemistry by Margherita Citroni. [Link] [Link2]

[171] "Structural dynamics probed by X-ray pulses from synchrotrons and XFELs", M. Levantino, Q. Kong, M. Cammarata, D. Khakhulin, F. Schotte, P. Anfinrud, V. Kabanova, H. Ihee, A. Plech, S. Bratos, M. Wulff*,  C. R. Phys., 22, 75–94 (2021) (Online publication: 2021-09-13). [Full Text]

[170] "Structural Dynamics of C2F4I2 in Cyclohexane Studied via Time-Resolved X-ray Liquidography", J. Gu, S. Lee, S. Eom, H. Ki, E. H. Choi, Y. Lee, S. Nozawa, S. Adachi, J. Kim, H. Ihee*,  Int. J. Mol. Sci., 22, 9793 (2021) (Online publication: 2021-09-10). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[169] "Exciton delocalization length in chlorosomes investigated by lineshape dynamics of two-dimensional electronic spectra", S. Jun, C. Yang, S. Choi, M. Isaji, H. Tamiaki, H. Ihee*, J. Kim*,  Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 23, 24111–24117 (2021) (Online publication: 2021-09-09). [Full Text]

Selected for Cover Picture. [Highlighted in the Front Cover]

[168] "Optical Kerr Effect of Liquid Acetonitrile Probed by Femtosecond Time-Resolved X-ray Liquidography", H. Ki, S. Choi, J. Kim, E. H. Choi, S. Lee, Y. Lee, K. Yoon, C. W. Ahn, D.-S. Ahn, J. H. Lee, J. Park, I. Eom, M. Kim, S. H. Chun, J. Kim, H. Ihee*, J. Kim*,  J. Am. Chem. Soc., 143, 14261–14273 (2021) (Online publication: 2021-08-30). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[167] "Filming ultrafast roaming-mediated isomerization of bismuth triiodide in solution", E. H. Choi, J. G. Kim, J. Kim, H. Ki, Y. Lee, S. Lee, K. Yoon, J. Kim, J. Kim, H. Ihee*, Nat. Commun., 12, 4732 (2021) (Online publication: 2021-08-05). [Full Text] [Supporting Information] [Full-text access (SharedIt)]

Highlighted in the Editors’ Highlights webpage of recent research on Inorganic and physical chemistry by Margherita Citroni. [Link] [Link2]

[166] "Reversible molecular motional switch based on circular photoactive protein oligomers exhibits unexpected photo-induced contraction", S. J. Lee, Y. Kim, T. W. Kim, C. Yang, K. Thamilselvan, H. Jeong, J. Hyun, H. Ihee*,  Cell Rep. Phys. Sci., 2, 100512 (2021) (Online publication: 2021-07-22). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

Featured in the Cell Reports Physical Science "Editor's Choice — 2021" collection. [Link] [Link2]

[165] "Uncovering the Conformational Distribution of a Small Protein with Nanoparticle-Aided Cryo-Electron Microscopy Sampling", H. Ki, J. Jo, Y. Kim, T. W. Kim, C. Kim, Y. Kim, C. W. Kim, S. Muniyappan, S. J. Lee, Y. Kim, H. M. Kim, Y. Yang, Y. M. Rhee, H. Ihee*,  J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 12, 6565–6573 (2021) (Online publication: 2021-07-12). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[164] "Ultrafast coherent motion and helix rearrangement of homodimeric hemoglobin visualized with femtosecond X-ray solution scattering", Y. Lee, J. G. Kim, S. J. Lee, S. Muniyappan, T. W. Kim, H. Ki, H. Kim, J. Jo, S. R. Yun, H. Lee, K. W. Lee, S. O. Kim, M. Cammarata, H. Ihee*, Nat. Commun., 12, 3677 (2021) (Online publication: 2021-06-16). [Full Text] [Supporting Information] [Full-text access (SharedIt)]

Highlighted in the Editors’ Highlights webpage of recent research on Structural biology, biochemistry and biophysics by Karin Kuehnel. [Link] [Link2]

[163] "Effect of the abolition of intersubunit salt bridges on allosteric protein structural dynamics", M. Choi, J. G. Kim, S. Muniyappan, H. Kim, T. W. Kim, Y. Lee, S. J. Lee, S. O. Kim, H. Ihee*, Chem. Sci., 12, 82078217 (2021) (Online publication: 2021-05-10). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[162] "Ultrafast excited state relaxation dynamics in a heteroleptic Ir(III) complex, fac-Ir(ppy)2(ppz), revealed by femtosecond X-ray transient absorption spectroscopy", J. Choi, M. Ahn, J. H. Lee, D.-S. Ahn, H. Ki, I. Oh, C. W. Ahn, E. H. Choi, Y. Lee, S. Lee, J. Kim, D. W. Cho, K.-R. Wee*, H. Ihee*, Inorg. Chem. Front., 8, 2987–2998 (2021) (Online publication: 2021-03-26). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

Selected for Cover Picture. [Highlighted in the Front Cover]

[161] "Femtosecond X-ray Liquidography Visualizes Wavepacket Trajectories in Multidimensional Nuclear Coordinates for a Bimolecular Reaction", J. G. Kim, E. H. Choi, Y. Lee, H. Ihee*, Acc. Chem. Res., 54, 1685–1698 (2021) (Online publication: 2021-03-18). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[160] "Relaxation Dynamics of Enhanced Hot-Electron Flow on Perovskite-Coupled Plasmonic Silver Schottky Nanodiodes", Y. Park, J. Choi, M. Kang, H. Lee, H. Ihee*, J. Y. Park*, J. Phys. Chem. C, 125, 2575–2582 (2021) (Online publication: 2021-01-25). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[159] "Synthesis of N-aryl amines enabled by photocatalytic dehydrogenation", J. Kim, S. Kim, G. Choi, G. S. Lee, D. Kim, J. Choi, H. Ihee*, S. H. Hong*, Chem. Sci., 12, 1915–1923 (2021) (Online publication: 2020-12-08). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[158] "Ultrafast structural dynamics of in-cage isomerization of diiodomethane in solution", H. Kim, J. G. Kim, T. W. Kim, S. J. Lee, S. Nozawa, S. Adachi, K. Yoon, J. Kim, H. Ihee*, Chem. Sci., 12, 21142120 (2021) (Online publication: 2020-12-07). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[157] "Preface to the special issue: Selected papers from the 5th International Conference on Ultrafast Structural Dynamics", H. Ihee*, Struct. Dyn., 7, 060402 (2020) (Online publication: 2020-12-30). [Full Text]

[156] "Charge transfer induced by electronic state mixing in a symmetric X-Y-X-type multi-chromophore system", S. Kim, D.-S. Ahn, M. Ahn, K.-R. Wee, J. Choi*, H. Ihee*, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 22, 28440–28447 (2020) (Online publication: 2020-11-27). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[155] "Molecular-Level Understanding of Excited States of N-Annulated Rylene Dye for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells", C. Kim, T. W. Kim, S. Kim, I. Oh, H. Wonneberger, K. Yoon, M. Kwak, J. Kim, J. Kim, C. Li, K. Müllen, H. Ihee*, J. Phys. Chem. C, 124, 22993–23003 (2020) (Online publication: 2020-10-13). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[154] "Gold Nanoparticle Formation via X-ray Radiolysis Investigated with Time-Resolved X-ray Liquidography", H. Ki, S. Park, S. Eom, J. Gu, S. Kim, C. Kim, C. W. Ahn, M. Choi, S. Ahn, D.-S. Ahn, J. Choi, M.-H. Baik, H. Ihee*, Int. J. Mol. Sci., 21, 7125 (2020) (Online publication: 2020-09-27). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[153] "Enhancement of Energy Transfer Efficiency with Structural Control of Multichromophore Light‐Harvesting Assembly", I. Oh, H. Lee, T. W. Kim, C. W. Kim, S. Jun, C. Kim, E. H. Choi, Y. M. Rhee, J. Kim*, W.-D. Jang*, H. Ihee*, Adv. Sci., 7, 2001623 (2020) (Online publication: 2020-08-19). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[152] "Mapping the emergence of molecular vibrations mediating bond formation", J. G. Kim, S. Nozawa, H. Kim, E. H. Choi, T. Sato, T. W. Kim, K. H. Kim, H. Ki, J. Kim, M. Choi, Y. Lee, J. Heo, K. Y. Oang, K. Ichiyanagi, R. Fukaya, J. H. Lee, J. Park, I. Eom, S. H. Chun, S. Kim, M. Kim, T. Katayama, T. Togashi, S. Owada, M. Yabashi, S. J. Lee, S. Lee, C. W. Ahn, D.-S. Ahn, J. Moon, S. Choi, J. Kim, T. Joo, J. Kim, S. Adachi, H. Ihee*, Nature, 582, 520–524 (2020) (Online publication: 2020-06-24). [Full Text] [Supporting Information] [Full-text access (SharedIt)]

Covered in Chemical & Engineering News: Mitch Jacoby, “Ultrafast imaging watches photochemistry frame by frame”, C&EN, 98, 22–25 (2020). [Link]

[151] "Protein folding from heterogeneous unfolded state revealed by time-resolved X-ray solution scattering", T. W. Kim, S. J. Lee, J. Jo, J. G. Kim, H. Ki, C. W. Kim, K. H. Cho, J. Choi, J. H. Lee, M. Wulff, Y. M. Rhee*, H. Ihee*, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 117, 14996–15005 (2020) (Online publication: 2020-06-15). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

Highlighted in Commentary of Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.: Osman Bilsel, “Heterogeneous folding and stretched kinetics” [Link]

Spotlighted in ESRF Highlights 2020. [Link]

[150] "High electroluminescence efficiency and long device lifetime of a fluorescent green-light emitter using aggregation-induced emission", H. Jung, H. Shin, S. Kim, J. Kim, B.-K. An, J.-H. Lee, H. Ihee, J. Park*, J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 87, 213–221 (2020). (Online publication: 2020-04-19) [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[149] "Estimating signal and noise of time-resolved X-ray solution scattering data at synchrotrons and XFELs", J. Kim, J. G. Kim, H. Ki, C. W. Ahn, H. Ihee*, J. Synchrotron Radiat., 27, 633–645 (2020) (Online publication: 2020-04-01). [Full Text] [Supporting Information] [Program]

[148] "Effect of Occluded Ligand Migration on the Kinetics and Structural Dynamics of Homodimeric Hemoglobin", H. Kim, J. G. Kim, S. Muniyappan, T. W. Kim, S. J. Lee, H. Ihee*, J. Phys. Chem. B, 124, 1550–1556 (2020) (Online publication: 2020-02-06). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[147] "Solvent-dependent complex reaction pathways of bromoform revealed by time-resolved X-ray solution scattering and X-ray transient absorption spectroscopy", Q. Kong*, D. Khakhulin, I. A. Shkrob, J. H. Lee, X. Zhang,  J. Kim, K. H. Kim, J. Jo, J. Kim,  J. Kang, V. T. Pham, G. Jennings, C. Kurtz, R. Spence, L. X. Chen, M. Wulff, H. Ihee*, Struct. Dyn., 6, 064902 (2019) (Online publication: 2019-12-24). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[146] "Sterically Controlled Excited-State Intramolecular Proton Transfer Dynamics in Solution", J. Choi, D.-S. Ahn, S. -Y. Gal, D. W. Cho, C. Yang, K.-R. Wee*, H. Ihee*, J. Phys. Chem. C, 123, 29116−29125 (2019) (Online publication: 2019-11-06). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[145] "Sub-nanosecond secondary geminate recombination in mercury halides HgX2 (X = I, Br) investigated by time-resolved x-ray scattering", D. Leshchev, D. Khakhulin, G. Newby, H. Ki, H. Ihee, M. Wulff*, J. Chem. Phys., 151, 054310 (2019) (Online publication: 2019-08-05). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[144] "Elongated Lifetime and Enhanced Flux of Hot Electrons on a Perovskite Plasmonic Nanodiode", Y. Park, J. Choi, C. Lee, A.-N. Cho, D. W. Cho, N.-G. Park, H. Ihee*, J. Y. Park*, Nano Lett., 19, 5489–5495 (2019) (Online publication: 2019-07-31). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[143] "Fate of transient isomer of CH2I2: Mechanism and origin of ionic photoproducts formation unveiled by time-resolved X-ray liquidography", S. Park, J. Choi, H. Ki, K. H. Kim, K. Y. Oang, H. Roh, J. Kim, S. Nozawa, T. Sato, S. Adachi, J. Kim*, H. Ihee*, J. Chem. Phys., 150, 224201 (2019) (Online publication: 2019-06-14). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[142] "Ultrafast Charge Transfer Coupled with Lattice Phonons in Two-dimensional Covalent Organic Frameworks", T. W. Kim, S. Jun. Y. Ha, R. K. Yadav, A. Kumar, C. -Y. Yoo, I. Oh, H. - K. Lim, J. W. Shin, R. Ryoo, H. Kim*, J. Kim*, J. -O. Baeg*, H. Ihee*, Nat. Commun., 10, 1873 (2019) (Online publication: 2019-04-23). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

Highlighted in the Editors’ Highlights webpage of recent research on Inorganic, Nanoscale and Physical Chemistry by Long Chen.

[141] "Proton Transfer Accompanied by the Oxidation of Adenosine", J. Choi, S. Tojo, D.-S. Ahn, M. Fujitsuka*, S. Miyamoto, K. Kobayashi, H. Ihee*, T. Majima*, Chem. Eur. J., 25, 7711–7718 (2019) (Online publication: 2019-04-07). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[140] "SVD-aided non-orthogonal decomposition (SANOD) method to exploit prior knowledge of spectral components in the analysis of time-resolved data", H. Ki, Y. Lee, E. H. Choi, S. Lee, H. Ihee*, Struct. Dyn., 6, 024303 (2019) (Online publication: 2019-03-26). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[139] "Formation of the Charge-Localized Dimer Radical Cation of 2-ethyl-9,10-dimethoxyanthracene in Solution Phase", J. Choi, D.-S. Ahn, M. Fujitsuka, S. Tojo, H. Ihee*, T. Majima*, Chem. Eur. J., 25, 5586–5594 (2019) (Online publication: 2019-03-20). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[138] "Structural Dynamics of Bismuth Triiodide in Solution Triggered by Photoinduced Ligand-to-Metal Charge Transfer", E. H. Choi, D.-S. Ahn, S. Park, C. Kim, C. W. Ahn, S. Kim, M. Choi, C. Yang, T. W. Kim, H. Ki, J. Choi, M. N. Pedersen, M. Wulff, J. Kim, H. Ihee*, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 10,1279–1285 (2019) (Online publication: 2019-03-06). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[137] "Regulation of Protein Structural Changes by Incorporation of a Small-Molecule Linker", Y. Kim, C. Yang, T. W. Kim, K. Thamilselvan, Y. Kim, H. Ihee*, Int. J. Mol. Sci., 19, 3714 (2018) (Special issue in "Protein Structural Dynamics") (Online publication: 2018-11-22). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[136] "Protein Structural Dynamics of Wild-Type and Mutant Homodimeric Hemoglobin Studied by Time-Resolved X-Ray Solution Scattering", C. Yang, M. Choi, J. G. Kim, H. Kim, S. Muniyappan, S. Nozawa, S. Adachi, R. Henning, I. Kosheleva, H. Ihee*, Int. J. Mol. Sci., 19, 3633 (2018) (Special issue in "Protein Structural Dynamics") (Online publication: 2018-11-18). [Full Text]

[135] "Chromophore-Removal-Induced Conformational Change in Photoactive Yellow Protein Determined through Spectroscopic and X-ray Solution Scattering Studies", Y. Kim, P. Ganesan, J. Jo, S. O. Kim, K. Thamilselvan, H. Ihee*, J. Phys. Chem. B., 122, 4513–4520 (2018) (Online publication: 2018-04-12). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[134] "Measurements of complex refractive index change of photoactive yellow protein over a wide wavelength range using hyperspectral quantitative phase imaging", K. R. Lee, Y. Kim, J. H. Jung, H. Ihee*, Y. K. Park*, Sci. Rep., 8, 3064 (2018) (Online publication: 2018-02-15). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[133] "Direct Observation of a Transiently Formed Isomer During Iodoform Photolysis in Solution by Time-Resolved X-ray Liquidography", C. W. Ahn, H. Ki, J. Kim, J. Kim, S. Park, Y. Lee, K. H. Kim, Q. Kong, J. Moon, M. N. Pedersen, M. Wulff, H. Ihee*, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 9, 647–653 (2018) (Online publication: 2018-01-16). [Full Text] [Supporting Information] [Erratum]

[132] "Charge Transfer-Induced Torsional Dynamics in the Excited State of 2,6-Bis(diphenylamino)anthraquinone", J. Choi*, D.-S. Ahn, K. Y. Oang, D. W. Cho, H. Ihee*, J. Phys. Chem. C, 121, 24317–24323 (2017) (Online publication: 2017-10-02). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[131] "Correction to 'Photocycle of Photoactive Yellow Protein in Cell-Mimetic Environments: Molecular Volume Changes and Kinetics'", C. Yang, S. O. Kim, Y. Kim, S. R. Yun, J. Choi*, H. Ihee*, J. Phys. Chem. B, 121, 5461 (2017) (Online publication: 2017-05-17). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[130] "SVD-aided pseudo principal-component analysis: A new method to speed up and improve determination of the optimum kinetic model from time-resolved data", K. Y. Oang, C. Yang, S. Muniyappan, J. Kim, H. Ihee*, Struct. Dyn., 4, 044013 (2017) (Online publication: 2017-04-05). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[129] "Ultrafast X-ray crystallography and liquidography", H. Ki, K. Y. Oang, J. Kim, H. Ihee*, Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem., 68, 473–497 (2017) (Online publication: 2017-03-27). [Full Text]

[128] "Visualizing Chemical Reactions in Solution with Femtosecond X-ray Scattering", S. Adachi*, H. Ihee*, RSC Energy and Environment Series No.18, X-ray Free Electron Lasers: Applications in Materials, Chemistry, and Biology, U. Bergmann, V. K. Yachandra, J. Yano (Eds.), Chapter 13, 264–283 (2017). [Full Text]

[127] "Kinetics of the E46Q mutant of photoactive yellow protein investigated by transient grating spectroscopy", C. Yang, T. W. Kim, Y. Kim, J. Choi, S. J. Lee, H. Ihee*, Chem. Phys. Lett., 683, 262–267 (2017) (Online publication: 2017-03-08). [Full Text]

[126] "Photocycle of Photoactive Yellow Protein in Cell-Mimetic Environments: Molecular Volume Changes and Kinetics", C. Yang, S. O. Kim, Y. Kim, S. R. Yun, J. Choi*, H. Ihee*, J. Phys. Chem. B, 121, 769–779 (2017) (Online publication: 2017-01-06). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[125] "Atomistic characterization of the active-site solvation dynamics of a model photocatalyst", T. V. Driel*, K. S. Kjær*, R. Hartsock, A. Dohn, T. Harlang, M. Chollet, M. Christensen, W. Gawelda, N. Henriksen, J. G. Kim, K. Haldrup, K. H. Kim, H. Ihee, J. Kim, H. Lemke, Z. Sun, V. Sundstrom, W. Zhang, D. Zhu, K. Møller, M. Nielsen, K. Gaffney, Nat. Commun., 7, 13678 (2016) (Online publication: 2016-11-28). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[124] "Preference of Ruthenium-Based Metathesis Catalysts toward Z- and E-Alkenes as a Guide for Selective Reactions to Alkene Stereoisomers", J. Lee, K. H. Kim, O. S. Lee, T. L. Choi, H. S Lee, H. Ihee*, J. H. Sohn*, J. Org. Chem., 81, 7591–7596 (2016) (Online publication: 2016-07-27). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[123] "Lanthanum-catalysed synthesis of microporous 3D graphene-like carbons in a zeolite template", K. S. Kim, T. K. Lee, Y. H. Kwon, Y. B. Seo, J. C. Song, J. K. Park, H. S. Lee, J. Y. Park, H. Ihee, S. J. Cho, R. Ryoo*, Nature, 535, 131–135 (2016) (Online publication: 2016-06-29). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[122] "Femtosecond X-ray solution scattering reveals that bond formation mechanism of a gold trimer complex is independent of excitation wavelength", K. H. Kim, J. G. Kim, K. Y. Oang, T. W. Kim, H. Ki, J. Jo, J. Kim, T. Sato, S. Nozawa, S. Adachi*, H. Ihee*, Struct. Dyn., 3, 043209 (2016) (Online publication: 2016-04-29). [Full Text

Featured as one of "Most read articles from 2016"

[121] "Cooperative protein structural dynamics of homodimeric hemoglobin linked to water cluster at subunit interface revealed by time-resolved X-ray solution scattering", J. G. Kim, S. Muniyappan, K. Y. Oang, T. W. Kim, C. Yang, K. H. Kim, J. Kim, H. Ihee*, Struct. Dyn., 3, 023610 (2016) (Online publication: 2016-04-14). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[120] "Reply to Comment on 'Proton Transfer of Guanine Radical Cations Studied by Time-Resolved Resonance Raman Spectroscopy Combined with Pulse Radiolysis'", J. Choi*, C. Yang, M. Fujitsuka, S. Tojo, H. Ihee, T. Majima*, J. Phys. Chem. B, 120, 2987–2989 (2016) (Online publication: 2016-03-01). [Full Text]

[119] "Combined probes of X-ray scattering and optical spectroscopy reveal how global conformational change is temporally and spatially linked to local structural perturbation in photoactive yellow protein", T. W. Kim, C. Yang, Y. Kim, J. G. Kim, J. Kim, Y. O. Jung, S. Jun, S. J. Lee, S. Park, I. Kosheleva, R. Henning, J. van Thor, H. Ihee*, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 18, 8911–8919 (2016) (Online publication: 2016-02-25). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[118] "Tracking reaction dynamics in solution by pump-probe X-ray absorption spectroscopy and X-ray liquidography (solution scattering)", J. Kim*, K. H. Kim, K. Y. Oang, J. H. Lee, K. Hong, H. Cho, N. Huse, R. W. Schoenlein, T. K. Kim*, H. Ihee*, Chem. Commun., 52, 3734–3749 (2016) (Online publication: 2016-01-19). [Full Text]

[117] "Proton Transfer of Guanine Radical Cations Studied by Time-Resolved Resonance Raman Spectroscopy Combined with Pulse Radiolysis", J. Choi*, C. Yang, M. Fujitsuka, S. Tojo, H. Ihee, T. Majima*, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 6, 5045–5050 (2015) (Online publication: 2015-12-03). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[116] "Rotational dephasing of a gold complex probed by anisotropic femtosecond x-ray solution scattering using an x-ray free electron laser", J. G. Kim, K. H. Kim, K. Y. Oang, T. W. Kim, H. Ki, J. Jo, J. Kim, T. Sato, S. Nozawa, S. Adachi, H. Ihee*, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 48, 244005–244012 (2015) (Online publication: 2015-11-03). [Full Text]

[115] "Protein Structural Dynamics Revealed by Time-Resolved X-ray Solution Scattering", J. G. Kim, T. W. Kim, J. Kim, H. Ihee*, Acc. Chem. Res., 48, 2200–2208 (2015) (Online publication: 2015-08-18). [Full Text]

Selected for Cover Picture. [Highlighted in the Front Cover]

[114] "Identifying the major intermediate species by combining time-resolved X-ray solution scattering and X-ray absorption spectroscopy", K. H. Kim, J. Kim, K. Y. Oang, J. H. Lee, D. Grolimund, C. J. Milne, T. J. Penfold, S. L. Johnson, A. Galler, T. W. Kim, J. G. Kim, D. Suh, J. Moon, J. Kim, K. Hong, L. Guerin, T. K. Kim, M. Wulff, C. Bressler, H. Ihee*, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 17, 2329823302 (2015) (Online publication: 2015-08-17). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[113] "The time scale of the quaternary structural changes in hemoglobin revealed using the transient grating technique", C. Yang, J. Choi, H. Ihee*, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 17, 22571–22575 (2015) (Online publication: 2015-08-14). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[112] "Recent Advances and Future Prospects of Serial Crystallography using XFEL and synchrotron X-ray sources", S. Muniyappan, S. O. Kim, H. Ihee*, Bio Design, 3, 98–110 (2015) (Online publication: 2015-06-30). [Full Text]

[111] "Single-Step Fabrication of Quantum Funnels via Centrifugal Colloidal Casting of nanoparticle Films", J. Y. Kim, V. Adinolfi, B. R. Sutherland, O. Voznyy, S. J. Kwon, T. W. Kim, J. Kim, H. Ihee, K. Kemp, M. Adachi, M. Yuan, I. Kramer, D. Zhitomirsky, S. Hoogland, E. H. Sargent*, Nat. Commun., 6, 7772 (2015) (Online publication: 2015-06-13). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[110] "A Photoresponsive Smart Covalent Organic Framework", N. Huang, X. Ding, J. Kim, H. Ihee, D. Jiang*, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 127, 8828–8831 (2015) (Online publication: 2015-06-10). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[109] "Role of thermal excitation in ultrafast energy transfer in chlorosomes revealed by two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy", S. Jun, C. Yang, T. W. Kim, M. Isaji, H. Tamiaki, H. Ihee*, J. Kim*, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 17, 17872–17879 (2015) (Online publication: 2015-06-04). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[108] "Ultrafast myoglobin structural dynamics observed with an X-ray free-electron laser", M. Levantino, G. Schiro, H. T. Lemke, G. Cottone, J. M. Glownia, D. Zhu, M. Chollet, H. Ihee, A. Cupane, M. Cammarata*, Nat. Commun., 6, 6772 (2015) (Online publication: 2015-04-02). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[107] "Solvent-dependent structure of molecular iodine probed by picosecond X-ray solution scattering", K. H. Kim, H. Ki, J. H. Lee, S. Park, Q. Kong, J. Kim, J. Kim, M. Wulff, H. Ihee*, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 17, 8633–8637 (2015) (Online publication: 2015-03-03). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[106] "Implicit vs. Explicit Solvent Models for Calculating X-ray Solution Scattering Curves", P. Ganesan, J. G. Kim, J. H. Lee, J. Kim, H. Ihee*, Bull. Korean Chem. Soc., 36, 955–962 (2015) (Online publication: 2015-02-20). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[105] "Direct observation of bond formation in solution with femtosecond X-ray scattering", K. H. Kim, J. G. Kim, S. Nozawa, T. Sato, K. Y. Oang, T. W. Kim, H. Ki, J. Jo, S. Park, C. Song, T. Sato, K. Ogawa, T. Togashi, K. Tono, M. Yabashi, T. Ishikawa, J. Kim, R. Ryoo, J. Kim, H. Ihee*, S. Adachi*, Nature, 518, 385389 (2015) (Online publication: 2015-02-18). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

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Highlighted in Chemistry World: Matthew Gunther, “More bonds probed using x-ray laser”. [Link]

Spotlighted by the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK): “Direct observation of bond formations” (2015). [Link]

[104] "Sub-100-ps Structural Dynamics of Horse Heart Myoglobin Probed by Time-resolved X-ray Solution Scattering", K. Y. Oang, K. H. Kim, J. Jo, Y. Kim, J. G. Kim, T. W. Kim, S. Jun, J. Kim, H. Ihee*, Chem. Phys., 442, 137–142 (2014) (Online publication: 2014-10-17). [Full Text]

[103] "Coherent Oscillations in Chlorosome Elucidated by Two-Dimensional Electronic Spectroscopy", S. Jun, C. Yang, M. Isaji, H. Tamiaki, J. Kim*, H. Ihee*, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 5, 1386–1392 (2014) (Online publication: 2014-04-01). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[102] "Random-Graft Polymer-Directed Synthesis of Inorganic Mesostructures with Ultrathin Frameworks", C. Jo, Y. Seo, K. Cho, J. Kim, H. S. Shin, M. Lee, J.-C. Kim, S. O. Kim, J. Y. Lee, H. Ihee, R. Ryoo*, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 53, 5117–5121 (2014) (Online publication: 2014-04-01). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[101] "Reply to 'Contradictions in X-ray structures of intermediates in the photocycle of photoactive yellow protein'", Y. O. Jung, J. H. Lee, J. Kim, M. Schmidt, K. Moffat, V. Srajer, H. Ihee*, Nat. Chem., 6, 259–260 (2014) (Online publication: 2014-03-21). [Full Text]

[100] "Anti-counterfeit nanoscale fingerprints based on randomly distributed nanowires", J. Kim, J. M. Yun, J. Jung, H. Song, J.-B. Kim, H. Ihee*, Nanotechnology, 25, 155303 (2014) (Online publication: 2014-03-20). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[99] "Ultrafast Energy Transfer in Chlorosome Probed by Femtosecond Pump-Probe Polarization Anisotropy", S. Jun, T. W. Kim, C. Yang, M. Isaji, H. Tamiaki, H. Ihee*, J. Kim*, Bull. Korean Chem. Soc., 35, 703–704 (2014) (Online publication: 2014-03-20). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[98] "Pump-Probe X-ray Solution Scattering Reveals Accelerated Folding of Cytochrome c upon Suppression of Misligation", T. W. Kim, J. G. Kim, C. Yang, H. Ki, J. Jo, H. Ihee*, Bull. Korean Chem. Soc., 35, 697–698 (2014) (Online publication: 2014-03-20). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[97] "Conformational Substates of Myoglobin Intermediate Resolved by Picosecond X-ray Solution Scattering", K. Y. Oang, J. G. Kim, C. Yang, T. W. Kim, Y. Kim, K. H. Kim, J. Kim, H. Ihee*, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 5, 804–808 (2014) (Online publication: 2014-02-13). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[96] "Topical Review: Molecular reaction and solvation visualized by time-resolved X-ray solution scattering: Structure, dynamics, and their solvent dependence", K. H. Kim, J. Kim, J. H. Lee, H. Ihee*, Struct. Dyn., 1, 011301 (2014) (Online publication: 2014-02-11). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[95] "Protein energy landscapes determined by five-dimensional crystallography", M. Schmidt*, V. Srajer, R. Henning, H. Ihee, N. Purwar, J. Tenboer, S. Tripathi, Acta Cryst. D, 69, 2534–2542 (2013) (Online publication: 2013-11-19). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[94] "Conjugated organic framework with three-dimensionally ordered stable structure and delocalized π clouds", J. Guo, Y. Xu, S. Jin, L. Chen, T. Kaji, Y. Honsho, M. A. Addicoat, J. Kim, A. Saeki, H. Ihee, S. Seki, S. Irle, M. Hiramoto, J. Gao & D. Jiang*, Nat. Commun., 4, 2736 (2013) (Online publication: 2013-11-13). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[93] "Prospect of Retrieving Vibrational Wave Function by Single-Object Scattering Sampling", H. Ki, K. H. Kim, J. Kim, J. H. Lee, J. Kim, H. Ihee*, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 4, 3345–3350 (2013) (Online publication: 2013-10-03). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[92] "Global reaction pathways in the photodissociation of I3- ion in solution at 267 nm and 400 nm studied by picosecond X-ray liquidography", K. H. Kim, H. Ki, K. Y. Oang, S. Nozawa, T. Sato, J. Kim, T. K. Kim, J. Kim, S. Adachi, H. Ihee*, ChemPhysChem, 14, 3687–3697 (2013) (Online publication: 2013-10-02). [Full Text]

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[91] "Correlation between Functionality Preference of Ru Carbenes and Exo/Endo Product Selectivity for Clarifying the Mechanism of Ring-Closing Enyne Metathesis", O. S. Lee, K. H. Kim, J. Kim, K. Kwon, T. Ok, H. Ihee*, H.-Y. Lee*, J.-H. Sohn*, J. Org. Chem., 78, 8242–8249 (2013) (Online publication: 2013-08-14). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[90] "High-throughput instant quantification of protein expression and purity based on photoactive yellow protein turn off/on label", Y. Kim, P. Ganesan, H. Ihee*, Protein Sci., 22, 1109–1117 (2013) (Online publication: 2013-06-05). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[89] "Multireference Ab Initio Study of the Ground and Low-Lying Excited States of Cr(CO)2 and Cr(CO)3", J. Kim*, J. Kim, H. Ihee*, J. Phys. Chem. A, 117, 3861–3868 (2013) (Online publication: 2013-04-15). [Full Text] [Supporting Information

[88] "Solvent-Dependent Molecular Structure of Ionic Species Directly Measured by Ultrafast X-Ray Solution Scattering", K. H. Kim, J. H. Lee, J. Kim, S. Nozawa, T. Sato, A. Tomita, K. Ichiyanagi, H. Ki, J. Kim, S. Adachi*, H. Ihee*, Phys. Rev. Lett., 110, 165505 (2013) (Online publication: 2013-04-18). [Full Text] [Supporting Information

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[87] "Simple super-resolution live-cell imaging based on diffusion-assisted Forster resonance energy transfer", S. Cho, J. Jang, C. Song, H. Lee, P. Ganesan, T.-Y. Yoon, M. W. Kim, M. C. Choi, H. Ihee*, W. D. Heo*, Y. Park*, Sci. Rep., 3, 1208 (2013) (Online publication: 2013-02-04). [Full Text]

[86] "Volume-conserving trans-cis isomerization pathways in photoactive yellow protein visualized by picosecond X-ray crystallography", Y. O. Jung, J. H. Lee, J. Kim, M. Schmidt, K. Moffat, V. Srajer, H. Ihee*, Nat. Chem., 5, 212220 (2013) (Online publication: 2013-02-03). [Full Text] [Supporting Information

Highlighted by Advanced Photon Source (APS): David Bradley, "Shedding Light on Chemistry with a Biological Twist" (2013). [Link

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[85] "Filming the Birth of Molecules and Accompanying Solvent Rearrangement", J. H. Lee, M. Wulff*, S. Bratos, J. Petersen, L. Guerin, J.-C. Leicknam, M. Cammarata, Q. Kong, J. Kim, K. B. Moller, H. Ihee*, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 135, 32553261 (2013) (Online publication: 2013-02-01). [Full Text] [Supporting Information

Spotlighted by 'Spotlights on Recent JACS Publications, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 135, 37313732 (2013). [Link

Highlighted by Chemical & Engineering News: Jyllian Kemsley, "Bond Making Captured In Real Time", C&EN, 91, 6, 32 (2013). [Link

Spotlighted by the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF): Kirstin Colvin, "New technique films the birth of molecules with unprecedented time resolution" (2013). [Link]

Spotlighted in ESRF Highlights 2013. [Link]

[84] "Femtosecond X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy at a Hard X-ray Free Electron Laser: Application to Spin Crossover Dynamics", H. Lemke, C. Bressler, L. X. Chen, D. Fritz, K. Gaffney, A. Galler, W. Gawelda, K. Haldrup, R. Hartsock, H. Ihee, K. H. Kim, J. Kim, J. H. Lee, M. Nielsen, A. Stickrath, W. Zhang, D. Zhu, M. Cammarata*, J. Phys. Chem. A, 117, 735–740 (2013) (Online publication: 2013-01-02). [Full Text]

[83] "Microtubes with Rectangular Cross-Section by Self-Assembly of a Short β-Peptide Foldamer", J. Kim, S. Kwon, S. H. Kim, C.-K. Lee, J.-H. Lee, S. J. Cho, H.-S. Lee*, H. Ihee*, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 134, 20573–20576 (2012) (Online publication: 2012-12-08). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[82] "Direct Observation of Cooperative Protein Structural Dynamics of Homodimeric Hemoglobin from 100 Picoseconds to 10 Milliseconds with Pump-probe X-ray Solution Scattering", K. H. Kim, S. Muniyappan, K. Y. Oang, J. G. Kim, S. Nozawa, T. Sato, S. Koshihara, R. Henning, I. Kosheleva, H. Ki, Y. Kim, T. W. Kim, J. Kim, S. Adachi, H. Ihee*, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 134, 7001–7008 (2012) (Online publication: 2012-04-12). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

Highlighted in Photon Factory Activity Reports 2012. [Link]

[81] "Tracking Atomic Positions in Molecular Reactions by Picosecond X-ray Scattering at the ESRF", L. Guerin, Q. Kong, D. Khakhulin, M. Cammarata, H. Ihee, M. Wulff*, Synch. Rad. News, 25, 25–31 (2012) (Online publication: 2012-03-19). [Full Text]

[80] "Protein Structural Dynamics of Photoactive Yellow Protein in Solution Revealed by Pump-probe X-ray Solution Scattering", T. W. Kim, J. H. Lee, J. Choi, K. H. Kim, L. van Wilderen; L. Guerin, Y. Kim, Y. O. Jung, C. Yang, J. Kim, M. Wulff, J. J. van Thor*, H. Ihee*, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 134, 3145–3153 (2012) (Online publication: 2012-02-03). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

Spotlighted in ESRF Highlights 2012. [Link]

[79] "Structural Dynamics of 1,2-Diiodoethane in Cyclohexane Probed By Picosecond X-ray Liquidography", J. Kim, J. H. Lee, J. Kim, S. Jun, K. H. Kim, T. W. Kim, M. Wulff, H. Ihee*, J. Phys. Chem. A, 116, 27132722 (2012) (Online publication: 2011-11-29). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[78] "Theoretical Study on the Reaction of Butadiynyl Radical (C4H) with Ethylene (C2H4) to Form C6H4 and H", J. Kim*, H. Ihee*, Int. J. Quant. Chem., 112, 19131925 (2012) (Online publication: 2011-05-31). [Full Text]

[77] "Novel Single-Molecule Technique by Single-Object Scattering Sampling (SOSS)", H. Ihee*, Bull. Korean Chem. Soc., 32, 1849–1850 (2011) (Online publication: 2011-06-20). [Full Text]

[76] "The Short-Lived Signaling State of the Photoactive Yellow Protein Photoreceptor Revealed by Combined Structural Probes", P. Ramachandran, J. Lovett, P. Carl, M. Cammarata, J. H. Lee, Y. O. Jung, H. Ihee*, C. Timmel, J. J. van Thor*, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 133, 93959404 (2011) (Online publication: 2011-05-31). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

Spotlighted in ESRF Highlights 2011. [Link

[75] "Ultrafast Structural Dynamics of the Photocleavage of Protein Hybrid Nanoparticles", S. Ibrahimkutty, J. Kim, M. Cammarata, F. Ewald, J. Choi, H. Ihee*, A. Plech*, ACS Nano, 5, 37883794 (2011) (Online publication: 2011-04-19). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[74] "Protein Folding Dynamics of Cytochrome c Seen by Transient Grating and Transient Absorption Spectroscopies", J. Choi*, C. Yang, J. Kim, H. Ihee*, J. Phys. Chem. B, 115, 31273135 (2011) (Online publication: 2011-03-08). [Full Text]

[73] "Anisotropic Picosecond X-ray Solution Scattering from Photo-selectively Aligned Protein Molecules", J. Kim, K. H. Kim, J. G. Kim, T. W. Kim, Y. Kim, H. Ihee*, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2, 350–356 (2011) (Online publication: 2011-01-31). [Full Text]

[72] "Density Functional and Spin-Orbit Ab Initio Study of CF3Br:Molecular Properties and Electronic Curve-Crossing", J. Kim, T. K. Kim*, H. Ihee*, J. Phys. Chem. A, 115, 12641271 (2011) (Online publication: 2011-01-27). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[71] "Self-Assembly of Semiconducting Photoluminescent Peptide Nanowires in the Vapor Phase", J. S. Lee, I. Yoon, J. Kim, H. Ihee*, B. Kim*, C. B. Park*, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 50, 11641167 (2011) (Online publication: 2010-12-23). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[70] "Spin-Orbit Ab Initio Study of Two Low-lying States of Chloroiodomethane Cation", J. Kim, H. Ihee, Y. S. Lee*, Theo. Chem. Acc., 129, 343347 (2011) (Online publication: 2010-11-12). [Full Text]

[69] "Direct Observation of Myoglobin Structural Dynamics from 100 picoseconds to 1 microsecond with Picosecond X-ray Solution Scattering", K. H. Kim, K. Y. Oang, J. Kim, J. H. Lee, Y. Kim, H. Ihee*, Chem. Commun., 47, 289–291 (2011) (Online publication: 2010-08-24). ‘Emerging Investigator’ themed issue. [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[68] "Photophysical properties of Zn-substituted cytochrome c investigated by single-molecule and ensemble-averaged spectroscopy", J. Choi, T. Tachikawa, Y. Kim, M. Fujitsuka, H. Ihee*, T. Majima*, Chem. Commun., 46, 9155–9157 (2010) (Online publication: 2010-11-01). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[67] "In Situ TEM Observation of Heterogeneous Phase Transition of a Constrained Single-Crystalline Ag2Te Nanowire", J. In, Y. Yoo, J.-G. Kim, K. Seo, H. kim, H. Ihee, S. H. Oh*, B. Kim*, Nano Lett., 10, 4501–4504 (2010) (Online publication: 2010-10-12). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[66] "Spin-Orbit Density Functional and Ab Initio Study of HgX­n (X=F, Cl, Br, and I; n=1, 2, and 4)", J. Kim, H. Ihee, Y. S. Lee*, J. Chem. Phys., 133, 144309 (2010) (Online publication: 2010-10-11). [Full Text]

[65] "Quantitative Catalyst-Substrate Association Relationships between Metathesis Molybdenum or Ruthenium Carbene Complexes and Their Substrates", K. H. Kim, T. Ok, K. Lee, H.-S. Lee, K. T. Chang, H. Ihee*, J.-H. Sohn*, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 132, 1202712033 (2010) (Online publication: 2010-08-10). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[64] "Photochemistry of HgBr2 in Methanol Investigated Using Time-Resolved X-ray Liquidography", S. Jun, J. H. Lee, J. Kim, J. Kim, K. H. Kim, Q. Kong, T. K. Kim, M. L. Russo, M. Wulff*, H. Ihee*, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 12, 11536–11547 (2010) (Online publication: 2010-08-05). [Full Text]

[63] "Ultrafast X-ray scattering: structural dynamics from diatomic to protein molecules", H. Ihee*, M. Wulff, J. Kim, S. Adachi, Int. Rev. Phys. Chem., 29, 453–520 (2010). [Full Text]

[62] "Molecular Structures, Energetics, and Electronic Properties of Neutral and Charged Hgn Clusters (n = 2-8)", J. Kang, J. Kim, H. Ihee, Y. S. Lee*, J. Phys. Chem. A, 114, 5630–5639 (2010) (Online publication: 2010-04-19). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[61] "Bionanosphere Lithography via Hierarchical Peptide Self-Assembly of Aromatic Triphenylalanine", T. H. Han, T. Ok, J. Kim, D. O. Shin, H. Ihee, H. S. Lee*, S. O. Kim*, Small, 6, 945–951 (2010) (Online publication: 2010-04-15). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

Selected for Cover Picture. [Highlighted in the front Cover]

[60] “Ultrafast X-ray diffraction in liquid, solution and gas: present status and future prospects", J. Kim, K. H. Kim, J. H. Lee, H. Ihee*, Acta Cryst. A, 66, 270–280 (2010) (Online publication: 2010-02-18). [Full Text]

[59] “Photolysis of Br2 in CCl4 studied by time-resolved X-ray scattering", Q. Kong, J. H. Lee, M. Lo Russo, T. K. Kim, M. Lorenc, M. Cammarata, S. Bratos, T. Buslaps, V. Honkimaki, H. Ihee, M. Wulff*, Acta Cryst. A, 66, 252–260 (2010) (Online publication: 2010-02-09). [Full Text]

[58] "Ultrafast X-ray Solution Scattering Reveals Different Reaction Pathways in the Photolysis of Triruthenium Dodecacarbonyl (Ru3(CO)12) after Ultraviolet and Visible Excitation", Q. Kong*, J. H. Lee, K. H. Kim, J. Kim, M. Wulff, H. Ihee*, M. H. J. Koch, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 132, 26002607 (2010) (Online publication: 2010-02-08). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

Spotlighted in ESRF Highlights 2010. [Link

[57] "Steering Epitaxial Alignment of Au, Pd, and AuPd Nanowire Arrays by Atom Flux Change", Y. Yoo, K. Seo, S. Han, K. S. K. Varadwaj, H. Y. Kim, J. H. Ryu, H. M. Lee, J. P. Ahn, H. Ihee, B. Kim*, Nano Lett., 10, 432–438 (2010) (Online publication: 2010-01-05). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[56] "Au Nanowire-Au Nanoparticles Conjugated System which Provides Micrometer Size Molecular Sensors", T. Kang, I. Yoon, J. Kim, H. Ihee, B. Kim*, Chem. Eur. J., 16, 1351–1355 (2010) (Online publication: 2009-12-04). [Full Text]

[55] "Protein Conformational Dynamics of Homodimeric Hemoglobin Revealed by Combined Time-Resolved Spectroscopic Probes", J. Choi, S. Muniyappan, J. Wallis, W. Royer, H. Ihee*, ChemPhysChem, 11, 109–114 (2010) (Online publication: 2009-11-18). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[54] “Advantages of time-resolved difference X-ray solution scattering curves in analyzing solute molecular structure”, J. H. Lee, H. Ihee*, Struct. Chem., 21, 3742 (2010) (Online publication: 2009-10-10). [Full Text]

[53] “Role of Water in Directing Diphenylalanine Assembly into Nanotubes and Nanowires", J. Kim, T. H. Han, Y. Kim, J. S. Park, J. Choi, D. Churchill, S. O. Kim*, H. Ihee*, Adv. Mater., 22, 583587 (2010) (Online publication: 2009-09-11). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

Selected for Cover Picture. [Highlighted in the front Cover

[52] “Theoretical Study on the Reaction of Ti+ with Acetone and the Role of Intersystem Crossing", J. Kim, T. K. Kim*, H. Ihee*, J. Phys. Chem. A, 113, 11382–11389 (2009) (Online publication: 2009-09-28). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[51] “Protein Tertiary Structural Changes Visualized by Time-Resolved X-ray Solution Scattering", S. Ahn, K. H. Kim, Y. Kim, J. Kim, H. Ihee*, J. Phys. Chem. B, 113, 13131–13133 (2009) (Online publication: 2009-09-16). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[50] “Density Functional and ab Initio Investigation of CF2ICF2I and CF2CF2I Radicals in Gas and Solution Phases", J. Kim, S. Jun, J. Kim, H. Ihee*, J. Phys. Chem. A, 113, 1105911066 (2009) (Online publication: 2009-09-04). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[49] “Spatiotemporal Kinetics in Solution Studied by Time-Resolved X-ray Liquidography (Solution Scattering)", T. K. Kim, J. H. Lee, M. Wulff, Q. Kong, H. Ihee*, ChemPhysChem, 10, 1958–1980 (2009) (Online publication: 2009-07-07). [Full Text] [erratum1] [erratum2]

Selected for Cover Picture. [Highlighted in the front Cover]

[48] "A Photoconductive Covalent Organic Framework : Self-Condensed Arene Cubes Composed of Eclipsed 2D Polypyrene Sheets for Prominent Photocurrent Generation", S. Wan, J. Guo, J. Kim, H. Ihee, D. Jiang*, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 48, 5439–5442 (2009) (Online publication: 2009-05-11). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[47] “Noncovalently Netted, Photoconductive Sheets with Extremely High Carrier Mobility and Conduction Anisotropy from Triphenylene-Fused Metal Trigon Conjugates", L. Chen, J. Kim, T. Ishizuka, Y. Honsho, A. Saeki, S. Seki*, H. Ihee*, D. Jiang*, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 131, 7287–7292 (2009) (Online publication: 2009-05-04). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[46] "Creating Well-Defined Hot Spots for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering by Single-Crystalline Noble Metal Nanowire Pairs", T. Kang, I. Yoon, K-S. Jeon, W. Choi, Y. Lee, K. Seo, Y. Yoo, Q-H. Park, H. Ihee, Y. D. Suh*, B. Kim*, J. Phys. Chem. C, 113, 7492–7496 (2009) (Online publication: 2009-04-09). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[45] “100 ps time-resolved solution scattering utilizing a wide-bandwidth X-ray beam from multilayer optics", K. Ichiyanagi*, T. Sato, S. Nozawa, K. H. Kim, J. H. Lee, J. Choi, A. Tomita, H. Ichikawa, S. Adachi, H. Ihee*, S. Koshihara, J. Synch. Rad., 16, 391–394 (2009) (Online publication: 2009-03-20). [Full Text

[44] "Visualizing Solution-Phase Reaction Dynamics with Time-Resolved X-ray Liquidography", H. Ihee*, Acc. Chem. Res., 42, 356–366 (2009) (Online publication: 2008-12-31). [Full Text

[43] "Single Nanowire on a Film as an Efficient SERS-Active Platform", I. Yoon, T. Kang, W. Choi, J. Kim, Y. Yoo, S-W. Joo, Q-H. Park, H. Ihee*, B. Kim*, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 131, 758–762 (2009) (Online publication: 2008-12-19). [Full Text] [Supporting Information

[42] "Initial Catalyst-Substrate Association Step in Enyne Metathesis Catalyzed by Grubbs Ruthenium Complex Probed by Time-Dependent Fluorescence Quenching", J.-H. Sohn*, K. H. Kim, H. Y. Lee, Z. S. No, H. Ihee*, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 130, 16506–16507 (2008) (Online publication: 2008-11-14). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[41] "Folding Dynamics of Ferrocytochrome C in a Denaturant-free Environment Probed by Transient Grating Spectroscopy", J. Choi, Y. O. Jung, J. H. Lee, C. Yang, B. kim*, H. Ihee*, ChemPhysChem, 9, 27082714 (2008) (Online publication: 2008-10-20). [Full Text

[40] "A Belt-Shaped, Blue Luminescent and Semiconductive Covalent Organic Framework", S. Wan, J. Guo, J. Kim, H. Ihee*, D. Jiang*, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 47, 8826–8830 (Designated as a VIP) (2008) (Online publication: 2008-09-30). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

Highlighted by Chemical & Engineering News. Jyllian N. Kemsley, "Covalent Conducting Belts", C & EN, 86, 41, 29 (2008). [Link]

[39] "Tracking the structural dynamics of proteins in solution using time-resolved wide-angle X-ray scattering.", M. Cammarata*, M. Levantino, F. Schotte, P. A. Anfinrud, F. Ewald, J. Choi, A. Cupane, M. Wulff, H. Ihee*, Nat. Methods, 5, 881–887 (2008) (Online publication: 2008-09-21). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

Selected for Cover Picture. [Highlighted in the front Cover]

Highlighted by Chemical & Engineering News. Stu Borman, "Proteins Caught in the Act", C & EN, 86, 39, 11 (2008). [Link

Spotlighted in ESRF Highlights 2008. [Link]

[38] "Ultrafast X-ray solution scattering reveals an unknown reaction intermediate in the photolysis of Ru3(CO)12", Q. Kong, J. H. Lee, A. Plech, M. Wulff, H. Ihee*, M. H. J. Koch, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 47, 5550–5553 (2008) (Online publication: 2008-06-20). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

Spotlighted in ESRF Highlights 2008. [Link]

[37] "Capturing Transient Structures in the Elimination Reaction of Haloalkane in Solution by Transient X-ray Diffraction", J. H. Lee, T. K. Kim, J. Kim, Q. Kong, M. Cammarata, M. Lorenc, M. Wulff, H. Ihee*, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 130, 5834–5835 (2008) (Online publication: 2008-04-15). [Full Text]

[36] "Transient X-ray Diffraction Reveals Global and major Reaction Pathways for the Photolysis of Iodoform in Solution", J. H. Lee, J. Kim, M. Cammarata, Q. kong, K. H. Kim, J. Choi, T. K. Kim, M. Wulff, H. Ihee*, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 47, 1047–1050 (2008) (Online publication: 2007-12-28). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[35] "Liquid Crystalline Peptide Nanowires", T. H. Han, J. Kim, J. S. Park, C. B. Park, H. Ihee*, S. O. Kim*, Adv. Mater., 19, 3924–3927 (2007) (Online publication: 2007-11-05). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

Selected for Cover Picture. [Highlighted in the front Cover]

[34] "Photochemical Reaction Pathways of Carbon Tetrabromide in Solution Probed by Picosecond X-ray Diffraction", Q. Kong, M. Wulff, J. H. Lee, S. Bratos, H. Ihee*, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 129, 1358413591 (2007) (Online publication: 2007-10-16). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

Spotlighted in ESRF Highlights 2007. [Link]

[33] "Simple Vapor-Phase Synthesis of Single-Crystalline Ag Nanowires and Single-Nanowire Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering", P. Mohanty, I. Yoon, T. Kang, K. Seo, K. S. K. Varadwaj, W. Choi, Q. Park, J. P. Ahn, Y. D. Suh, H. Ihee, B. Kim*, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 129, 9576–9577 (2007) (Online publication: 2007-07-18). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[32] "Density Functional and Ab Initio Study of Cr(CO)n (n = 1-6) complexes", J. Kim, T. K. Kim, J. Kim, Y. S. Lee, H. Ihee*, J. Phys. Chem. A, 111, 4697–4710 (2007) (Online publication: 2007-05-09). [Full Text]

[31] "Ultrafast X-ray Diffraction of Photodissociation of Iodoform in Solution", J. H. Lee, T. K. Kim, J. Kim, M. Lorenc, Q. Kong, M. Wulff, H. Ihee*, AIP Conf. Proc., 879, 12621265 (2007) (Online publication: 2007-02-07). [Full Text]

[30] "Picosecond diffraction at the ESRF: How far have we come and where are we going?", M. Wulff, Q. Kong, M. Cammarata, M. L. Russo, P. Anfinrud, F. Schotte, M. J. Lorenc, H. Ihee*, T. K. Kim*, A. Plech, AIP Conf. Proc., 879, 11871194 (2007) (Online publication: 2007-02-07). [Full Text]

[29] "Density Functional and Ab Initio Studies on Structures and Energies of the Ground State of CrCO", J. Kim, Y. S. Lee, H. Ihee, Int. J. Quant. Chem., 107, 458–463 (2007) (Online publication: 2006-09-13). [Full Text]

[28] "Analyzing solution-phase time-resolved X-ray diffraction data by isolated-solute models", J. H. Lee, K. H. Kim, T. K. Kim, Y. Lee, H. Ihee*, J. Chem. Phys., 125, 174504 (2006) (Online publication: 2006-11-06). [Full Text

[27] "The structure of the photodissociation products of CCl4, CBr4 and CI4 in solution studied by DFT and ab initio calculations", Q. Kong*, M. Wulff, S. Bratos, R. Vuilleumier, J. Kim, H. Ihee*, J. Phys. Chem. A, 110, 11178–11187 (2006) (Online publication: 2006-09-06). [Full Text

[26] "Spatiotemporal reaction kinetics of an ultrafast photoreaction pathway visualized by time-resolved liquid x-ray diffraction", T. K. Kim, M. Lorenc, J. H. Lee, M. Lo Russo, J. Kim, M. Cammarata, Q. Kong, S. Noel, A. Plech, M. Wulff*, H. Ihee*, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 103, 9410–9415 (2006) (Online publication: 2006-06-13). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

Selected for the July 2006 issue of Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science.

Spotlighted in ESRF Highlights 2006. [Link

[25] "Revival structures of linear molecules in field-free alignment condition probed by high-order harmonic generation", G. H. Lee, H. T. Kim, J. Y. Park, C. H. Nam, T. K. Kim, J. H. Lee, H. Ihee*, J. Korean Phys. Soc., 49, 337–341 (2006). [Full Text

[24] "Impulsive solvent heating probed by picosecond x-ray diffraction", M. Cammarata, M. Lorenc, T. K. Kim, J. H. Lee, Q. Y. Kong, E. Pontecorvo, M. Lo Russo, G. Schiro, A. Cupane, M. Wulff, H. Ihee*, J. Chem. Phys., 124, 124504 (2006) (Online publication: 2006-03-23). [Full Text]

Selected for the April 2006 issue of Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science.

[23] "Potential of femtosecond electron diffraction using near-relativistic electrons from photocathode RF electron gun", X. J. Wang, D. Xiang, T. K. Kim, H. Ihee*, J. Korean Phys. Soc., 48, 390–396 (2006). [Full Text]

[22] "Recombination of photodissociated iodine: A time-resolved x-ray-diffraction study", M. Wulff, S. Bratos*, A. Plech, R. Vuilleumier, F. Mirloup, M. Lorenc, Q. Kong, H. Ihee, J. Chem. Phys., 124, 034501 (2006) (Online publication: 2006-01-17). [Full Text]

Selected for the February 2006 issue of Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science.

[21] "Photodissociation Reaction of 1,2-Diiodoethane in Solution: A Theoretical and X-ray Diffraction Study", Q. Y. Kong*, J. Kim, M. Lorenc, T. K. Kim, H. Ihee*, M. Wulff, J. Phys. Chem. A, 109, 10451–10458 (2005) (Online publication: 2005-10-22). [Full Text]

[20] "Ultrafast X-ray diffraction of transient molecular structures in solution", H. Ihee*, M. Lorenc, T. K. Kim, Q. Y. Kong, M. Cammarata, J. H. Lee, S. Bratos, M. Wulff, Science, 309, 1223–1227 (2005) (Online publication: 2005-07-14) (in Science Express Reports). [Abstract] [Link] [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

Highlighted in Perspectives of Science: Philip Anfinrud and Friedrich Schotte, “X-ray Fingerprinting of Chemical Intermediates in Solution” [Link]

Highlighted by Chemical & Engineering News: Mitch Jacoby, "Pinning Down Transients", C & EN, 83, 29, 11 (2005). [Link

Spotlighted in ESRF Highlights 2004. [Link

[19] "Visualizing reaction pathways in photoactive yellow protein from nanoseconds to seconds", H. Ihee*, S. Rajagopal, V. Srajer, R. Pahl, S. Anderson, M. Schmidt, F. Schotte, P. A. Anfinrud, M. Wulff, K. Moffat, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 102, 7145–7150 (2005) (Online publication: 2005-05-03). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[18] "Protein-Ligand Interaction Probed by Time-Resolved Crystallography", M. Schmidt, H. Ihee, R. Pahl, V. Srajer, Published in Methods Mol. Biol., 305, 115-154 (2005), Protein-Ligand Interactions: Methods and Applications, Edited by: G. U. Ninehaus © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ. [Full Text]

[17] "Exploring Fine Structures of Photoactive Yellow Protein in Solution Using Wide-Angle X-ray Scattering", T. K. Kim, X. Zuo, D. M. Tiede, H. Ihee*, Bull. Korean Chem. Soc., 25, 1676–1680 (2004). [Full Text]

[16] "Analysis of Experimental Time-Resolved Crystallographic Data by Singular Value Decomposition", S. Rajagopala, M. Schmidt, S. Anderson, H. Ihee, K. Moffat*, Acta Cryst. D, 60, 860–871 (2004) (Online publication: 2004-04-21). [Full Text]

[15] "Protein Kinetics : Structures of Intermediates and Reaction Mechanism from Time-Resolved X-ray Data", M. Schmidt*, R. Pahl, V. Srajer, S. Anderson, Z. Ren, H. Ihee, S. Rajagopal, K. Moffat, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 101, 47994804 (2004) (Online publication: 2004-03-23). [Full Text]

[14] "Time-resolved x-ray diffraction from small molecules in solution", M. Wulff, M. Lorenc, A. Plech, H. Ihee*, S. Bratos, F. Mirloup, R. Vuilleumier, Published in the Book titled "Femtochemistry and Femtobiology: Ultrafast Events in Molecular Science", Edited by Monique M. Martin and James T. Hynes, Elsevier, 337–347 (2004). [Full Text]

[13] "Ultrafast electron diffraction and structural dynamics: Transient intermediates in the elimination reaction of C2F4I2. ", H. Ihee, B. M. Goodson, R. Srinivasan, V. A. Lobastov, A. H. Zewail*, J. Phys. Chem. A, 106, 4087–4103 (2002) (Online publication: 2002-04-02). [Full Text

[12] "Ultrafast electron diffraction of transient cyclopentadienyl radical: A dynamic pseudorotary structure", H. Ihee, J. S. Feenstra, J. Cao, A. H. Zewail*, Chem. Phys. Lett., 353, 325334 (2002) (Online publication: 2002-01-22). [Full Text]

[11] "Ultrafast diffraction and structural dynamics: The nature of complex molecules far from equilibrium", C. -Y. Ruan, V. A. Lobastov, R. Srinivasan, B. M. Goodson, H. Ihee, A. H. Zewail*, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 98, 7117–7122 (2001) (Online publication: 2001-06-12). [Full Text]

[10] "Ultrafast electron diffraction of transient Fe(CO)4: Determination of molecular structure and reaction pathway", H. Ihee, J. Cao, A. H. Zewail*, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 40, 1532–1536 (2001) (Online publication: 2001-04-17). [Full Text]

[9] "CF2XCF2X and CF2XCF2 radicals (X = Cl, Br, I): Ab initio studies and comparison with experiments", H. Ihee, J. Kua, W. A. Goddard*, A. H. Zewail*, J. Phys. Chem. A, 105, 36233632 (2001) (Online publication: 2001-03-13). [Full Text] [Supporting Information]

[8] "Direct imaging of transient molecular structures with ultrafast diffraction", H. Ihee, V. A. Lobastov, U. M. Gomez, B. M. Goodson, R. Srinivasan, C. Y. Ruan, A. H. Zewail*, Science, 291, 458–461 (2001). [Full Text]

[7] "Conformations and barriers of haloethyl radicals (CH2XCH2, X = F, Cl, Br, I): Ab Initio Studies", H. Ihee, A. H. Zewail, W. A. III. Goddard*, J. Phys. Chem. A, 103, 6638–6649 (1999) (Online publication: 1999-07-28). [Full Text]

[6] "Ultrafast electron diffraction and direct observation of transient structures in a chemical reaction", J. Cao, H. Ihee, A. H. Zewail*, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 96, 338–342 (1999). [Full Text]

[5] "Ultrafast electron diffraction: determination of radical structure with picosecond time resolution", J. Cao, H. Ihee, A. H. Zewail*, Chem. Phys. Lett., 290, 1–8 (1998) (Online publication: 1998-07-28). [Full Text]

[4] "Ultrafast electron diffraction: structures in dissociation dynamics of Fe(CO)5", H. Ihee, J. Cao, A. H. Zewail*, Chem. Phys. Lett., 281, 10–19 (1997) (Online publication: 1998-05-27). [Full Text]

[3] "Clocking transient chemical changes by ultrafast electron diffraction", J. C. Williamson, J. Cao, H. Ihee, H. Frey, A. H. Zewail*, Nature, 386, 159–162 (1997). [Full Text]

[2] "Xe-129 Nuclear magnetic resonance study on a solid-state defect in HZSM-5 zeolite", R. Ryoo*, H. Ihee, J. H. Kwak, G. Seo, S. -B. Liu, Micropor. Mesopor. Materials, 4, 59–64 (1995). [Full Text]

[1] "Clustering of platinum atoms in zeolite EMT supercage: Comprehensive physicochemical characterization", H. Ihee, T. Becue, R. Ryoo*, C. Potvin , J. -M. Manoli, G. Djega-Mariadassou, Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal., 84, 765–772 (1994). [Link]


[15] "펨토초 X-선 펄스를 이용한 분자 구조동역학 연구", 김종구, 이효철, 이재혁, 방사광 과학과 기술, 27-4, 11–17 (2020). [Full Text]

[14] "즈웨일 교수님을 그리며", 경남과학고 네 번째 사과, 13, 2017 봄, 4–5 (2017). [Full Text]

[13] "분자가 결합하는 찰나를 포착하다", 과학동아, 353, 86–89 (2015). [Full Text]

[12] "화학천재, 대한민국 과학 이끄는 주역으로 발돋움하다", ISSUE MAKER, 4, 90–91 (2015). [Full Text]

[11] "이효철 교수 나노-바이오 구조 다이나믹스 실험실", KAIST 화학과, 5, 5 (2013). [Full Text]

[10] "순수기초과학의 파급효과", 이효철, 대전일보, 수요프리즘 칼럼, 6-6, 23 (2012). [Full Text]

[9] "다시 시작할 수 있다면", 이효철, KAIST비전, 2009가을호, 석림의 종, 4–5 (2009). [Full Text]

[8] "차세대 방사광 과학", 이흥수, 구태영, 임재홍, 김태규, 박재헌, 이효철, 물리학과 첨단기술, 10, 20–37 (2009). [Full Text]

[7] "경남과학고 후배들을 위한 글", 이효철 (2007). [Full Text]

[6] "찰나의 분자구조를 촬영하다", 이효철, 과학영재교육연구원 뉴스레터, 봄, 8–9 (2006). [Full Text]

[5] "시간분해 X-선 회절을 이용한 분자 구조 동역학 연구", 이효철, 방사광 과학과 기술, 12-3, 5–10 (2005). (우수연구실 소개) [Full Text]

[4] "움직이는 분자를 잡아라", 이효철, KAIST비전, 34, 11–15 (2005). [Full Text]

[3] "분자 구조 동역학 연구실", 이효철, 화학세계, 11, 102–106 (2005). (우수연구실 소개) [Full Text]

[2] "극초단 엑스선 펄스를 이용한 단백질 동영상 촬영", 이효철, 화학세계, 7, 24–29 (2005). [Full Text]

[1] "시간 분해 회절법", 김태규, 이효철, 광학과 기술, 8, 10–17 (2004). [Full Text]