research fellows
최정권 (Jungkweon Choi)
Research Fellow김성옥 (Seong Ok Kim)
Research Fellow기호성 (Hosung Ki)
Research FellowSenior Researchers
이상진 (Sang Jin Lee)
Senior Researcher이윤범 (Yunbeom Lee)
Senior Researcher양철희 (Dr. Cheolhee Yang )
Senior ResearcherPostdoctoral Researchers
Alekos Segalina
Postdoctoral Researcher김동현 (Donghyeon Kim)
Postdoctoral Researcher이성곤 (Seonggon Lee)
Postdoctoral Researcher김중민 (Jungmin Kim)
Postdoctoral ResearcherRESEARCH TECHNICIANS
안광은 (Gwang Eun Ahn)
Research Technician방대현 (Daehyeon Bahng)
Research Technicianstudents
이효섭 (Hyosub Lee)
Ph.D. candidate구자인 (Jain Gu)
Ph.D. candidate김도영 (Doyeong Kim)
Ph.D. candidateTime-resolved X-ray Solution Scattering
엄승환 (Seunghwan Eom)
Ph.D. candidate차용준 (Yongjun Cha)
Ph.D. candidate이경원 (Kyung Won Lee)
Ph.D. candidate임동환 (Donghwan Im)
Ph.D. candidate문정호 (Jungho Moon)
Ph.D. candidate유세영 (Seyoung You)
Ph.D. candidate이정훈 (Jeong Hoon Lee)
Ph.D. candidate노태윤 (Taeyoon Noh)
Ph.D. candidate강기원 (Kiwon Kang)
Ph.D. candidate오지은 (Jieun Oh)
Ph.D. candidate이수현 (Suhyun Lee)
Ph.D. candidate장명진 (Myeongjin Jang)
Ph.D. candidate심지우(Jiwoo Shim)
Ph.D. candidate정해윤 (Haeyun Jeong)
Ph.D. candidate서찬영 (Chanyoung Seo)
Ph.D. candidate윤정빈 (Jeongbin Yun)
Ph.D. candidate한일규 (Ilgyu Han)
Ph.D. candidateAlumni
김장배 (Kim, Jangbae)
biomimics@gmail.comCurrent Address
LG Chem. Research Park Battery R&D Senior Manager정양욱 (Jung, Yangouk)
yojung78@gmail.comCurrent Address
Korea Univ. Division of Life Sciences Postdoctoral Fellow김경환 (Kim, Kyung Hwan)
kimkyunghwan84@gmail.comCurrent Address
POSTECH. Department of Chemistry Assistant Professor전선홍 (Jun, Sunhong)
junsunhong@gmail.comCurrent Address
Samsung Electronics, Memory Business Staff Engineer왕기영 (Oang, Key Young)
ky.oang@gmail.comCurrent Address
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) Senior ResearcherSrinivasan Muniyappan
smuniappan@gmail.comCurrent Address
Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science & Technology (DGIST) Postdoctoral Fellow김영민 (Youngmin Kim) Address
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) Postdoctoral Fellow양철희 (Cheolhee Yang)
eangel04@gmail.comCurrent Address
POSTECH. Department of Chemistry Postdoctoral Fellow조준범 (Jo, Junbeom)
beom8549@gmail.comCurrent Address
Samsung Electronics, LED Business Senior Research Engineer김태우 (Tae Wu Kim)
ktwk6660@gmail.comCurrent Address
Mokpo National Univ. Department of Chemistry Assistant Professor김희정 (Kim, Heejung)
Current Address
한국환경기술진흥원, 연구원박성준 (Sungjun Park)
mnb0707@gmail.comCurrent Address
Samsung electronics foundry businessStaff Engineer안두식 (Doo-Sik Ahn)
doosikahn@gmail.comCurrent Address
Samsung electronics foundry businessPrincipal Engineer안치우 (Chi Woo Ahn)
dkscldn119@gmail.comCurrent Address
SK hynix future technology research centerSenior Research Engineer오인환 (Inhwan Oh)
inhwanoh0910@gmail.comCurrent Address
Samsung electro-mechanicsSenior Research Engineer김종구 (Jong Goo Kim)
8808kjk@gmail.comCurrent Address
DGIST. Department of Physics and ChemistryAssistant Professor허준 (Jun Heo)
poltast56@gmail.comCurrent Address
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) Senior Researcher김종우 (Jongwoo Kim) Address
Chungnam National Univ. Department of Physics Assistant Professor